Our Philosophy
Our philosophy
At Société de la Petite Enfance de l’École Entre-lacs, we strongly believe in the vision of the British Columbia Early Leaning Framework (2019) that aims at respectfully living and learning together by following these principles:
Children are strong, capable in their uniqueness, and full of potential. Children will be respected for their own personality, culture, and developmental level. Children are entitled to a safe environment and opportunities to enhance all facets of their development. We value each child’s individuality and welcome diversity.
Families have the most important role in contributing to children’s well-being and learning and are entitled to be involved in a meaningful way in their child’s care experience. The families deserve to feel included and have the assurance of quality care for their children.
The educators are researchers and collaborators. They recognize that relationships are the context for well-being and growing and that learning is holistic. They are entitled to a working environment that recognizes and respects their training, skills, and commitment to the childcare sector.
Société de la Petite Enfance de l’École Entre-lacs aims to create and foster early years spaces that are inclusive while building connection and reconnection to land, culture, community, and the place we live in. We recognize that the environment and play are integral parts in the well-being and learning of early childhood education and care settings. SPEEEL aims to enhance the lives of the children, their families, and the community by providing a caring, supportive, and vital community service where everyone is welcomed as being capable in their own ways.
(Province of British Columbia, 2019)
As early years professionals, our educators are committed to follow the fundamental principles of the ECE BC Code of Ethics.
We promote the health and well-being of all children.
We provide high-quality early care and learning environments for all children by drawing on specialized knowledge, education, and diverse perspectives.
We demonstrate caring and compassion for all children through responsive and reciprocal relationships.
We work in partnership with families, supporting them in meeting their responsibilities for their children.
We establish and maintain respectful partnerships with colleagues, allied professionals, community partners, and decision-makers to support the well-being of children and their families.
We work in ways that affirm and enhance human dignity, respect fundamental human rights, and celebrate difference and diversity.
We maintain the knowledge, skills, and self-awareness needed to be professionally competent.
We prioritize our personal health and well-being.
We demonstrate integrity and respect in our professional relationships.
We advocate that our profession is vital to establishing healthy and resilient communities.
(Early Childhood Educators of British Columbia, 2021)
What makes us unique
Our practices are oriented and guided by the interests of the children present and we are strong supporters of learning through play. We understand the importance of relational safety. Our employees are informed and stay up to date in the field of early childhood research. They are inspired by practices that reflect a competent and capable image of the child like the work of Loris Malaguzzi (Reggio Emilie approach), and trauma-informed practices as they understand that connection is at the heart of all learning. Our post-modern thinking aims for a holistic approach where collaboration between people, material and environment come together. By offering many living inquiries to the children, we offer a space aligned with the re-conceptualizing views of the early childhood field, where knowledge is co-constructed under a collective pedagogy, focused on ethical and democratic inclusivity. Here, children can experiment, explore, and investigate in ways that are relevant and meaningful to them. We offer opportunities that enhance and deepen their relationships with the land and community (Province of British Columbia, 2019). We encourage critical thinking for the children and our educators to live and learn together better.
Early Childhood educators of British Columbia. (2021). Code of Ethics. 7th edition, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Province of British Columbia (2019). Early Learning Framework. Ministry of Education and Child Care.