Payments and registration
The educator manager is responsible for the registration process and gathers all necessary registration documents as well as the payments.
Monthly fees are due on the first day of the previous month by pre-authorized payments or e-transfers (August to May). For pre-authorized payments, you will receive a form upon registration to fill with your banking information. E-transfers must be sent to speeelpayments@gmail.com before the 1st of each month.
In March and April, we offer a priority registration period for the following year for the registered families. Places are offered at the end on this period and your registration will be processed only when all the required forms and payments are received. Your request will be treated according to the April schedule, the priorities listed below and if needed, on your child’s initial registration date in one of SPEEEL’s programs.
Outside of the priority registration, places are offered when all the necessary documents are received (25$ registration fee, 50$ AGM fee, registration form, child’s dossier and all the annexes). Your registration will be processed according to the date first and then to the priorities listed above. You will then be contacted to confirm the registration, fees, and your child’s schedule.
Your child can be registered anywhere from one to five days per week, depending on your needs and our availabilities. Our monthly fees are averaged fairly over the school year calendar, considering holidays and statutory days. They are not to be negotiated or modified on an individual basis.
Registration Priorities
Priority 1
Children of parents with a current SPEEEL employee contract.
Priority 2
Children of parents that are currently SPEEEL board members; according to the time they have been board members.
Children of parents that are currently Entre-lacs school employees, according to their seniority as employees.
Priority 3
Priority 4
Children already enrolled in the desired program, according to number of days registered.
Priority 5
Children already enrolled in another regular SPEEEL program, according to the number of days registered.
Priority 6
Children that enrolled to one of our occasional programs, according to the number of days they attended the current year.
Priority 7
Children with a sibling already enrolled in the desired program, according to number of days registered.
Priority 8
Children with a sibling already enrolled in one of the other regular SPEEEL programs, according to number of days registered.
Priority 9
Children that were once enrolled in one of the SPEEEL programs.
Priority 10
Children with a sibling that were once enrolled in one of the SPEEEL programs.
Priority 11
Children with a sibling enrolled at Entre-lacs school.
Wait list
When a space becomes available, the Educator will contact the next family on the wait list. The wait list is based on the priorities listed above and then on your child’s initial registration date to one of our programs. When there is no wait list, the available spaces will be open to the public on a first come, first serve basis.
Withdrawal or reducing days attending
Termination of the service or reducing days attending must be cancelled in writing (e-mail). When service is cancelled or days are reduced before the 15th of the current month, the fees and services will stop at the end of the month. When the cancellation or reduction of days is provided after the 15th of the current month, the client will be charge 50% of the next monthly fee and services will stop at the end of the current month.
Affordable and Métis Child Care Benefit Programs
If you think you qualify for Affordable Child Care Benefit Program, or the Métis Child Care Benefit Program, let us know. You can find more info at these addresses:
If the benefits are not in place prior to your child attending the first day, you are responsible for 100% of the cost until which time the subsidy begins. Once it starts, SPEEEL will provide you with a refund for the amount covered. You, the parents/guardians, are responsible to apply for, maintain and renew this authorization as needed throughout the year. You are also responsible to pay any amount that the ACCB, or MCCB does not cover.
Late fee policy
If fees for the following month are not received on the 1st of the current month, the educator manager will contact you. You will have until the 15th to give us the full payment. If on the 15th the full payment is not received, an e-mail will be sent to you stating that if the full payment is not received before the end of the current month, services will be terminated at the end the month and a 50% penalty of the monthly fees will be charged.
Non-sufficient funds policy
There is a 25$ charge for all NSF pre-authorized payment. In the events that we receive an NSF pre-authorized payment, you will have 15 days to pay your tuition fees after you have been advised. You will be notified of an acceptable form of payment. After the 15 days period, if your payment is not received, your child will not be able to attend the program until your account is brought up to date.